Upper West Region


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Dorothy Ntiakoh

Waow,sir am very proud of you ,sir Bananas congratulation.More grace and wisdom

Nyuni Christian

Waooo wonderful experiment

Dorothy Ntiakoh

Am proud of my only sir, Bananas Dery .God richly bless you ,more grace and wisdom.


Well done bro. That was a simple and a nice experiment.

Mark Annamuri Kpenye

All the best brother

Alambirigo Solomon

Bananas has done very well

Bossey moses

Banabas…..more grace upon you

Allansah Joyce

Brilliant experiment

Allansah Joyce

Wow, well done future scientist, Pascal.


Well done master barnabas and your student.

John Betrand Dogoli

That was a wonderful experiment. Congratulations to your Sir & your students


Waaaaaao, great job

Sunday Sixtus Beeri

Great work done, Sir Bananas! Congratulations. Keep it up.

Awinibono Edmond

Derry am proud of you, you will become a great scientist in the future, keep it up


This is highly impressive.
I think this is the way to go with our educational system.
Pupils would have a better understanding of lessons when they have a practical touch or feel of the topic where necessary.
But it takes only committed teachers with passion to go this extra mile.

God bless you Mr. Barnabas for the effort despite the challenges of been in such a remote environment.

This experiment deserves a #WIN.


Well done bro..
Keep pushing and the sky will be your limit…#The toil will never be in vain

Eric Affum

That’s wonderful, I really enjoyed your experiments bro. well done .

Last edited 3 years ago by Eric Affum
Isaac Tweneboah

Such a brilliant experiment.
I wish to see more from you.

Vincent Dery

Wonderful work done keep it up

Dery Barnabas

Well done Pascal, keep exploring

Vincent Dery

Wonderful experiment you’re already a winner

Vincent Dery

Keep it up you’re already a winner

Vincent Dery

Wow!great experiment

Vincent Dery

Eiiii wonderful performance

Vincent Dery

This is a winner already great performance

Vincent Dery

A future scientist and a winner in advance

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