GH4STEM 100 Top Teacher: OSMAN MOHAMMED, Kumasi #GH4STEM

Osman Mohammed grew up on a cocoa farm in a village where people lived simple lives. Because of this, it wasn’t until secondary school that he met people who identified his potential and pushed him to do more. There were difficult times when he wanted to give up and make do with his current situation. However, there were people like his English teacher in senior high school, Mr. Amoaquah, who apart from being a great teacher, also motivated Mohammed to gain confidence and also aspire for leadership roles wherever he found himself.

Two years after Mohammed completed senior high school, he opted to enter the teaching profession and attended the John Wesley Training College where he furthered his studies in science. He is now a STEM educator, teaching over sixty students at the Crescent Preparatory Junior High School.

Osman Mohammed has been teaching STEM for the past sixteen years. In the next ten years, he intends to have completed a masters degree and hopes to teach at a higher level. He enjoys teaching STEM because it helps him to understand the world in almost every aspect. It is also one of the only areas of study where the application of knowledge has created a huge impact.  Mohammed makes it a point to create a balance between theory and practical work when teaching in order to keep his students interested and involved in STEM.

He is motivated by the impact he has on his students’ future, and continues to give off his best. He is greatly is inspired by the success stories of many of his students, especially those who find careers in STEM. 

Mohammed was introduced to the JUNEOS Challenge by the headmaster of Crescent Preparatory School. His immediate idea was to continue with the topic he was teaching at the time. While they were working on the project, Mohammed realized the importance of practical  demonstrations when teaching STEM. He also discovered more interesting ways of teaching STEM. Since the start of the project, his students have gained a renewed interest in STEM and the application of knowledge, and have even extended this to the other subjects they are studying.

For Mohammed, the JUNEOS Challenge came at the right time in his career and he will be very glad to be a part of the challenge any time it happens again. It is his hope that the project reaches other schools in the Ashanti Region and impacts more students. He has also been inspired to join a STEM organization and meet more STEM educators as well as get exposed to a variety of ways to teach STEM.

Osman Mohammed lives in Bremang UGC and is married with five children.

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Elizabeth Johnson works as a researcher and project manager with Dr Monk and volunteers the rest of her time with the Writers Project of Ghana where she takes up various roles such as radio show production, social media management and administrator for their annual literary festival. She is a published writer who writes both fiction and non fiction and has won awards for her work.